DIAL Regional Sports Complex, 2016
Central Coast Council, TAS
What the project was about
The Dial Regional Sports Complex Development Project commenced in early 2015, in Penguin on the North West Coast of Tasmania. The project included the relocation of local sporting clubs into a new purpose-built facility which included two AFL sized football fields and associated facilities and infrastructure.The purpose of the project was to design a facility that would increase the standards available for these sporting codes and their spectators, continue to meet the needs of the existing users of the Dial Regional Sports Complex, provide opportunities for many other potential sport, recreation and community users and ensure that the facility meets the growing needs of the area. Paralleling with this project was the masterplanning for the existing football and cricket site, the Penguin Recreation Ground.
Engagement Plus developed and implemented a Community Engagement Plan so that stakeholders could have input into the design of the Complex. The challenge was convincing the Penguin community that the Council was serious about moving forward with the project as it had sat as an ‘idea’ for over 15 years.
What we needed to do
Council worked with ARTAS (the architect firm) and Engagement Plus to prepare the Preliminary Designs for the project. Comprehensive engagement with key stakeholders and the wider community was an important part of the project.
The engagement process was designed to ensure that all future opportunities for the Dial Regional Sports Complex and Penguin Recreation Ground were considered and that both facilities incorporate the needs for the Central Coast community into the future.
The engagement process included:
- promoting the Dial Regional Sports Complex project to the wider community so that they could provide feedback on the proposed design
- increasing interest in sport within Penguin
- identifying the needs of the Penguin AFL and Cricket Clubs during the transition to the new facility
- a targeted campaign to understand the potential future uses of the existing Penguin Recreation Ground
Stakeholders included users of Penguin Recreation Ground and Dial Sports Complex, sporting code governing bodies, adjacent land owners, local business, community representatives and groups, potential users, as well as Penguin and Central Coast residents. Many engagement techniques were employed including face to face meetings, surveys, postcard feedback, establishment of a ’Think Tank’ group for co-design approach, online engagement, static displays and interactive workshops.
What was achieved
Following extensive consultation with key stakeholders, the Central Coast Council approved the final preliminary/concept designs in October 2015. The Dial Regional Sports Complex Development Master Plan included the design and construction of:
- Two sports ovals suitable for AFL, cricket, soccer and rugby with supporting lighting, fencing and scoreboard
- New access road and car parking
- Shared pavilion facility with function rooms, change rooms, undercover viewing/seating area, meeting spaces, kitchen, office space and kiosk
- Central community hub of outdoor space for active and recreational use
- Active spaces, play area with tracks and trails suitable for all members of the public
Engagement Plus also worked with Council to prepare the successful grant applications for federal funding and state funding. The result of this work resulted in a very engaged community and $7million dollars funding.