Learning Lounge

Who is this for?

Sometimes, as engagement professionals, we just want to check in with others. See what they are doing, talk about what’s on our mind. Compare notes – hang out. That isn’t always easy if there aren’t many other senior engagement professionals in your organisation, or near where you live, or in your sector.

So the Learning Lounge is you. Come and hang out, pull up a virtual lounge chair and join the conversations in the Learning Lounge.

Join our monthly Happy Hour series.

How does the Learning Lounge work?

Like any hangout these days it is online, occasionally over the phone and every now and then face to face (post COVID-19). We see our role as curators and initiators. We will post our reflections and thinking on our Learning Lounge space every month. Every now and then we will give you a ‘check in how you doing?’ call, or host a video conference on an emerging question or discussion topic or take quick polls. In the Learning Lounge we encourage our colleagues to have fun as well as to converse and learn from each other, so watch out for our themes!

What does this cost?

Well,  simply put – nothing! In monetary terms that is.

The Learning Lounge works well when there is a bit of interaction, a dynamic – so the real cost of the Learning Lounge is a little of your time and inspiration: your comments, responding to polls, adding your thoughts and questions; having a drink and a chat.

Learning Lounge Registration

Register your interest to join the Learning Lounge. You will be invited to upcoming Happy Hour events and Learning Lounge updates.